
Hi, I’m Ralph.

I’m no hero or role model, just an everyman who has lived through some extraordinary times.

No matter what stage of life you’re in, I hope you’ll find my experiences to be of some value. I’ve been through all the major milestones of LGBTQ+ history: the closeted 50’s and 60’s, the height of gay liberation in San Francisco in the 70’s, and the AIDS crisis of the 80’s. Throughout these times, I struggled with addiction and lost many loved ones, eventually finding recovery and long-lasting love in Minneapolis. My current status as a gay elder comes with its own set of challenges.

My story shows that life can be messy, but it always holds lessons if I look for them.

Ralph’s funny and honest voice describes so well his journey/story of joy and discovery, pain and loss, and the growth which recovery provided him.
— Susie Fruncillo